
About Dr. Bishai

Board Certified Urologist in Pasadena, CA

Dr. Bishai
About Dr. Bishai

Michael B. Bishai, MD, is one of the accomplished urologists practicing at Pasadena Urological Medical Group in Pasadena, California. He is committed to providing state-of-the-art urological care to individuals living in and around the Greater Los Angeles area. 

Dr. Bishai was born in Cairo, Egypt, and came to California for his surgical and urological residencies at White Memorial Medical Center and the University of California at Davis.

He has proudly served the urologic needs of the community of Pasadena for over thirty years. To better serve the diverse communities of Southern California, Dr. Bishai is fluent in several languages, including English, Arabic, Armenian, and French. 

Dr. Bishai believes it is essential to clearly explain to patients their condition and the recommended course of treatment. He takes time to explain their treatment options and answers any questions they may have. 

Dr. Bishai lives in Los Angeles with his wife and twin sons, and his beloved dogs.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Bishai and the team at Pasadena Urological Medical Group, call the office or request an appointment online at any time.